
Northburn Clubs

We offer a range of activities to enjoy in addition to our Northburn curriculum which are held during school hours (lunchtime) and after school (from 3:20-4:20). All clubs Northburn provide are free of charge and all pupils are invited to join at least one activity at some point in the school year, from Year 1 upwards.
Spring Term, 2025
Monday - Steel pans (Music lessons after school)
Tuesday - Gymnastics (Year 3 and 4)
Wednesday - Gymnastics (Year 3 and 4)
Friday - Lego club (Year 5 and 6) and Gymnastics (Year 2)
For after school clubs, we contact parents and invite families to sign up to relevant clubs on a first come, first served basis. Information and confirmation of these clubs are sent through Northburn admin. Please contact school for more information.
External music tuition is available to Northburn pupils throughout each academic year with a fee attached. Currently we have keyboard, guitar, woodwind and 'Rock Steady'. Please contact school to find out more.  
Other Clubs run at Northburn and serve our community separate to Northburn Primary School. We host Scouts, Brownies and Steel Pans.